Welcome to BigBeluga!

Your new trading indicators await! Follow the simple steps below to start swimming

with the whales! 🐋

We are excited to meet you!

-The BigBeluga Team

1) Check your email

We’ve sent you a welcome email! In this email there is a “Connect Accounts” button. This takes you to a page to connect your TradingView account to our indicators, join our Discord and join our Telegram channels.

Notification-[remix] (11)

2) Check our Docs

Even if you’re a pro, it’s always good to read up. Our Docs cover all BigBeluga features in detail so you know exactly how to get the most out of them.

If you require any further customer support our Discord team are happy to guide you!

Always here to help!

3) You're all set!

You’re all good to go! Our team are all waiting for you inside our Discord server ready to help at all times.

If you require any further customer support email: support@bigbeluga.com

Welcome to BigBeluga,

– BigBeluga Team